
heroes come from the people:former student at hope primary school returns as a teacher after her graduation | 极目新闻-凯发娱发com

极目新闻 2022-12-05 12:25:21 阅读量:


former student at hope primary school returns as a teacher after her graduation

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 柳琛琛

reporter:liu chenchen


translators: zhang hehuizi, duan ran, lisa m.k (hubei university)


hope primary school of luotian county is located in dabie mountains surrounded by hills on three sides. the luomei river flows right at its doorstep, and a zigzag road connects the school to shengli town. yan qi usually heads to school by electric motorbike at 6:00 a.m. on mondays and then she boards with the 50 students in school until friday.


“maybe it is the lack of company from the parents that overtime leads to their sense of dependence on me.” yan qi said when she was interviewed by jimu news, it is like the feelings you have with your siblings or those between a mother and her children. over 10 years ago, she was also a student here and had the same connection with her teacher.

晏棋与学生们在一起 受访者供图  yan qi with the students (photo provided by interviewee)

转读希望小学 遇到人生第一把“伞”

transferring to hope primary school and finding a supportive friend in a teacher


yan qi, born in 1999, transferred to hope primary school of luotian county in grade 6 when she was 11. because it was her first exposure to boarding school, she had a minor confrontation with a classmate over a bed on her first day at school. “i thought i could choose my own bed and so i did. however, what i didn't know was that many students in my class had been in boarding school since grade 3, so they had already taken some of the beds,” said yan qi. after i explained the situation with my class teacher's mediation, my classmate generously gave up the bed for me. years later, yan qi still remembers the scene of her class teacher, ms. fang, hurriedly arriving at the dormitory and patiently telling everyone to loving and help each other. thanks to her, this dispute was settled peacefully. 


in the year that followed, ms. fang was both yan qi's teacher and closest friend at school. feeling uneasy in the new environment, it was fang rong who always encouraged her to be strong and to find ways to overcome difficulties. when she was first transferred to the hope primary school, her grades in math were mostly in the 80s. after a year of hard work, she scored 99 in math on her final exam in grade 6.


the most unforgettable thing for yan qi was that ms. fang set up a “pole-climbing” ranking system in the classroom, on which students' names would be placed to see who could “climb” higher in terms by finishing more exercises and answering questions from various angles. this game-like way of rewarding students was both new and effective for the students, including yan qi. even though she is now a teacher herself, when she thinks back, ms. fang rong not only had new teaching methods and proper management, but also encouraged children in rural areasto seek a brighter future and pursue education with her cheerful personality and teaching by example. she proved to be like a supportive friend to the students.


yan qi recalls that one day the school had a temporary power outage during the morning reading class. unlike other classes, ms. fang took everyone in her class outside to a platform and led them to continue reading english. that scene of the  beams of morning light shining as they read is deeply engraved in yan qi's memory.

学校老师合影(右一为晏棋) group photo of the school teachers(the first on the right is yan qi)

大学毕业回母校 成为希望小学教师

returning to her former primary school as a teacher


after entering junior high school, yan qi left luotian county's hope primary school. unexpectedly, she saw ms. fang again on the program “first class of the new semester” on cctv. on the program, ms. fang narrated her own story. yan qi learned that ms. fang not only taught in luotian county, but also delivered classes at two other remote schools. “just like me, ms. fang was first a transfer student to luotian county hope primary school and then she chose to return as a teacher after her graduation.” since then, yan qi decided: “i will study hard, go to university, and return to luotian county hope primary school as a teacher, just like ms. fang.”


after the college entrance examination, yan qi did not hesitate to sign a tripartite agreement with huanggang normal university and the local education department and enrolled in the teacher training program. during her college years, yan qi participated in multiple social practice activities and grew from a member of the tutoring association to eventually the president. after graduation, yan qi came to work at a primary school in a different town in luotian county, hoping to move closer to her dream. 


“transfer to a remote school?” “have you considered your future and starting a family?” many friends and relatives advised her to settle in a county town as soon as possible, including her mother who was worried about her daughter's future. but eventually, she persuaded her family to agree and wrote an application to the department, expressing her desire to return to her former primary school as a teacher. her actions moved the local education department and her transfer application was accepted. in 2021, yan qi finally returned to luotian county hope primary school, becoming one of the 3rd generation teachers.


completed on june 1, 1991, luotian county hope primary school is the first hope primary school in hubei province. its predecessor, luomei river central elementary school, was spontaneously built by villagers. the windows were made of tar paper, and in the winter, students had to wrap themselves with hay to keep warm. nowadays, the conditions at the school have greatly improved. its playground, dormitories, desks, chairs, teaching aids, sports equipment, etc. are on par with those of other schools, if not better. 


“some hold the view that teaching in remote areas is a hindrance to one's prospects in life. but i believe that till date, luotian county hope primary school has had the most profound impact on me. hope primary school is a place full of hope and benefitting from project hope myself, i want to be a part of it, continuing to carry on the love,” yan qi said.

育人与浇花一样 用不同的教法教学生

education is like watering plants— each student should be taught according to their needs


yan qi has been a classteacher since this year, with her morning classes starting at 6:50 a.m., and her evening classes finishing at 7:30 p.m. she then goes to the students' dormitory at 8:00 p.m. to check on them, and then returns to her office to mark their homework. before returning to the teachers' dormitory at 10:00 p.m., she checks on the students again. such repetitive and hectic work is no simple task.


all of the 50 students in her class board at school, most of them are left-behind children, while many others are from single-parent households. more than 20 of them receive subsistence allowances and other subsidies. because they lack the company of their parents, their academic performance is relatively low, with some of them still learning the chinese pinyin. “because the students lack good academic foundations, they are not interested in learning and not motivated to do homework”. yan qi said that when she took over the class and assigned homework for the first time, more than 10 students did not submit their homework. to help them regain confidence, she set up a reward system and organized activities such as “be a little teacher”, “tell red stories” (cpc culture education), “word link” and “flying flowers” (an ancient game of word play), which proved to be very effective.


in her leisure time, yan qi enjoys caring for plants, many of which she keeps on the dorm balcony. however, some of them always withered. “water plants at their roots; educate students by their hearts.” ms. fang rong saw her withered plants and told her that plants naturally wilt if they are not watered thoroughly. “when you find the cause, your plants will grow and flourish. isn't watering plants and educating students the same?” yan qi found herself pondering.


one night during evening class, a student tore up his exercise book and threw it on the floor. “i know very well that education is the best way to change one's life and to pay back society.” yan qi said, “at that time, i was very angry, sad and blamed myself.” after calming herself down, she didn't criticize the student directly, instead, she asked him about his view of her as a teacher and their chinese class. she realized that after she took over the class, her requirements were much stricter than those of the previous semester, and with more homework being given, the student began to lose interest in school. so, yan qi talked to him several times and afterwards he not only changed his attitude towards learning, but also developed a good relationship with her.


once during an extracurricular activity, yan qi noticed a student who did not participate in the group activities, but instead read a book alone by the playground, and later in evening after getting ready to sleep returned to the classroom to continue reading. she guessed that the boy was dissatisfied with his grades, so when marking homework, she would call him aside to explain the questions. learning that he loved reading, she recommended books to him. today, the student is the representative for the chinese class and has good grades.


“i checked the homework on monday and found that the students had done well.” yan qi said, “in particular, some students wrote in their essays that their dream is to be a teacher. that made me feel happy.”
