
heroes come from the people:middle school teacher is awarded “the most responsible guardian of rivers and lakes” in china | 极目新闻-凯发娱发com

极目新闻 2022-11-30 11:58:09 阅读量:


middle school teacher is awarded “the most responsible guardian of rivers and lakes” in china

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 陈倩

摄影:楚天都市报极目新闻记者 刘中灿

翻译:张晓蕾 邢伟康 龚佳玉 (湖北大学)

reporter: chen qian

photographer: liu zhongcan

translators: zhang xiaolei, xing weikang, gong jiayu (hubei university)


while going out by bicycle, wu youcai usually takes several things with him, including telescopes, cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles and brochures about species. wu is not only a science teacher in the 49th middle school of wuhan, but also a voluntary river superintendent of the yangtze river in wuhan. he has been to all the 166 lakes in the city by bike.


lately, wu was recognized as one of the most responsible guardians of rivers and lakes in china in a themed activity co-launched by three ministries including the ministry of water resources.


doing public services with his daughter


volunteering as superintendent for rivers and lakes


wu youcai is one of the most qualified superintendents in wuhan. in 2007, he participated in the volunteer group in charge of protecting rivers and lakes and became the initiator protecting the north lake in qingshan district, wuhan city. wu has biked to all of the 166 lakes. he said that he joined in the volunteer team because of his daughter.


born in 1969, wu youcai is a fervent enthusiast of outdoor activities and riding bicycles is one of his hobbies. influenced by him, his daughter also became fond of biking since she was a little child. reasoning that riding for several hours would be slightly monotonous, he decided to do something meaningful to motivate her. so, he joined the team of environmental volunteers after learning of it from his friends.


“at first, i wanted my daughter to take part in more social and practical activities, so i served as the backup force to inspire her to do more,” wu said. after attending multiple activities, he myself became a fan of public service activities and a proactive participant.


in 2019, he was appointed as the voluntary river superintendent of the yangtze river in wuhan section by wuhan municipal water bureau.


wu youcai often takes his daughter to participate in the patrol activities organized by volunteers to protect east lake. under his influence, his daughter also grew up into a little volunteer. the father and daughter duo have been to east lake many times. in the summer vacation of 2018, the daughter, who has been recommended for admission to beijing university of technology, returned to wuhan with her classmates to engage in social practice. they did a survey about the water system as part of their project. with the guidance of wu youcai, his daughter and her classmates, together with the students from hubei university of technology and huazhong agricultural university in wuhan, investigated the main tributaries of east lake in four days, tested the water quality and its level of improvement. wu youcai was greatly pleased with the outcomes of the final report.


“the water quality of east lake has improved. we must not only know the facts, but also understand the reasons behind it.” he said it was gratifying to see the youth working hard to protect the environment. thinking back to his childhood, when swimming lessons were held at east lake, such an experience is now one children nowadays will barely ever have. all this made him sigh with emotion: how precious the lush mountains and lucid water are.


from picking up trash to talking about water regime


teaching environmental protection by the water


serving as an environmental protection volunteer for more than 10 years, wu youcai himself has experienced many changes and witnessed the process of water becoming clearer and banks turning greener in wuhan.


as a result of flood prevention and sewage discharge, the no. 2 open channel of wuhan iron and steel group corp. was once called the “caecum river” as it had silt blockage, was a breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies and also the unpleasant smell it gave off.


in 2017, the no.2 open channel of wisco was listed by the state council as a key regulation project of black and odorous water bodies. from the first day of the project, wu youcai would rush to the open channel as soon as he got off work.


“at that time, there was a map mobile app which, if you found a problem such as garbage or sewage irregularity, you could take pictures and upload. as some factories and residential areas around may discharge waste water on the sly, i would stay until one or two o'clock in the morning at the latest in order to keep an eye on them.” wu youcai said this habit lasted until the completion of the project. even now, he will fly drones while at school to monitor the regulated no. 2 open channel via aerial photography. the “gutter” that once kept people away has long been transformed into a waterfront park covered with green vegetation and has even become a classroom where he leads students to practice environmental protection.


at the beginning, wu youcai and other volunteers participated in many activities, such as picking garbage, cleaning banks, dissuading illegal fishers, and publicizing environmental protection. over time, he also realized the importance of environmental education. he not only increases his knowledge in this area, but also proactively conducts environmental protection education among students through the school he teaches at.


wu youcai and his students' footprints can be traced back to many areas including beihu sewage treatment plant, green power waste incineration plant, sino-korean ethylene petrochemical company, zongguan water plant, gangdong water plant, houhu pumping station, gangxi pumping station, china gezhouba group sponge engineering project department.


the teaching was carried out directly in industrial areas and even by the water, to allow the  students to experience firsthand the benefits of improved water quality. students are able to see how sewage is purified into standard gray water and how clean drinking water is produced, and see how the sponge project has deftly resolved the embarrassing phenomenon of “seeing seas in urban areas”.


beside the school are qingshan port, no. 2 open channel of wuhan iron and steel group company and qingshan river beach. wu youcai led the students to test the water quality by themselves and carried out the “clean beach campaign” in tianxingzhou island to collect and classify garbage. he not only invited other voluntary river and lake superintendents to give lectures on environmental protection to students, but also visited more than 10 schools per year for environmental education and publicity.


led by wu youcai, the 49th middle school of wuhan has also successively nurtured four municipal voluntary river and lake superintendents.


engaged in the construction of leishenshan hospital


benefitting from his experience in water protection


in the spring of 2020, the sudden outbreak of “covid-19” hit wuhan, a city with tens of millions of people. at that critical moment, wu youcai, as a volunteer, dedicated himself into the “wuhan defense battle” without hesitation.


on january 27th, the third day of the chinese lunar new year, he drove back nearly 100 kilometers to the construction site of leishenshan hospital in huangjia lake, jiangxia district, and devoted himself into intensive hospital construction. the advantages of years of dealing with water environment protection came in handy at this critical moment. wu youcai had discussions with the site administrators and construction supervisors, and thanks to previous knowledge on discharge requirements of domestic sewage and toxic medical wastewater, he was able to offer suggestions that fit in well with the local terrain, pipeline routes, connecting direction of sewage plants and municipal pipe networks and the available materials provided by the constructors. suggestions adopted, the construction was timely organized. in less than two days, the entire drainage pipeline was laid, providing the foundation for later construction.


wu youcai said that, as a voluntary river and lake superintendent, what he has experienced in the past 10 years is the benefits to society brought about by a rise in awareness of environmental protection. “in the beginning, the administrative department would remind us of protecting the environment repeatedly. but now they turn to us for advice, take positive actions and strengthen the assessment criteria. we can see that the government has paid more attention to environmental protection than ever before.” he said that there were only a hundred people at most in previous environmental protection activities or only a few people at least. now, the number of volunteers has greatly increased, and relevant government departments and street communities also take an active part in environment protection.


“voluntary superintendent for rivers and lakes is not an honor but a responsibility.” wu youcai said. inspecting and protecting rivers has no end. environmental protection is not the responsibility of one or two generations but is rather an issue in need of wider participation all. with perseverance, our picturesque homeland will become more and more beautiful.
