
heroes come from the people:a shoemaker with high paraplegia raises a doctoral candidate daughter | 极目新闻-凯发娱发com

极目新闻 2022-11-28 21:38:53 阅读量:


a shoemaker with high paraplegia raises a doctoral candidate daughter

苏婉娟(应本人要求作特殊处理) 当事人供图  su wanjuan (the picture was provided by su herself who requested to stay anonymous)

苏中进在做鞋 (通讯员供图)  su zhongjin making shoes (picture provided by correspondent)

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 蔡青 周萍英 张盼

通讯员 王乐

翻译 张洲亚 徐思 吴术驰 (湖北大学)

jimu news reporters: cai qing, zhou pingying, zhang pan

correspondent: wang le

translators: zhang zhouya, xu si, wu shuchi (hubei university)


there is a small shoe booth of no more than 10 square meters at the bridgehead of qiche bridge in tonghai kou town, xiantao city. su zhongjin, a shoe maker with high paraplegia caused by infantile paralysis, has been managing this booth for 34 years. as his wife is intellectually disabled, su has to raise his family by his handicraft of making and mending shoes. it is in such difficult living conditions that he brought up an intelligent daughter, a doctoral candidate at huazhong university of science and technology, and a brave son, an airborne force commissioned officer.


over the years, su zhongjin has won good praise because of his integrity and warmheartedness. his persevering spirit earned him many honors—“xiantao role model” in 2018, “xiantao top 10 moral model” in 2019 and “hubei excellent model” in 2021. his family was also honored as “xiantao civilized family” in 2020.


where it all started for the now doctoral candidate daughter—the shoe booth


it was a fine day on november 10th. upon arriving in tonghai kou, xiantao city, the reporter asked a sanitation worker by the roadside the way to su zhongjin' booth. the worker answered warmly that “his booth is on the left side of qiche bridge, only 50 meters away from here.”


qiche bridge is a landmark in tonghaikou town. there is a river running under the bridge, which is the mother river of the town. it is said that the reason behind the town’s name tonghai kou is that the river merges into the yangtze river before flowing into the pacific ocean. the phrase tonghai kou means the entrance to the sea in chinese.


thirty four years ago, the 21-year-old su zhongjin came to the bridge and set up a shed to start his shoe repairing business.


given his poor physical conditions as a result of the crippling poliomyelitis he contracted in the first year of his life, he was advised to work as a shoemaker. he went on to acquire the required skills in a neighboring town and gradually came to be known by others.


however, he often regreted that he didn't have a chance to receive education. so he found time to learn from the radio while working, learning mandarin from the presenters. he also learned how to read by reciting texts after his younger brother and sister returned home from school.


when his daughter was born in may 1995, he and his wife went to a teacher with some gifts earnestly seeking assistance in selecting good name for their daughter. the teacher named her wanjuan, meaning gentle and graceful in chinese. he was pleased with the name and laughed happily.


his wife who has an intellectual disability looked at him, equally as happy. after a while, he couldn't help but shed tears.


“i cried for my daughter two times.” according to su, the other time was when his daughter recieved her acceptance letter to university.


it was 2013, when he was making shoes in his booth, a postman delivered the admission letter of his daughter from china university of geosciences (wuhan) to him and her.


“dad, you always feel sorry that you had no chance to attend school. i am going to university to fufill your dream!” said his daughter. seeing her joyfully open the letter, su eyes filled with tears.


on that day when his daughter left for school, he “walked” with one hand placed on stool, while his other hand was busy with packing up as he nagged: “don't be worried about money. just call us if you are in need. remember to eat fruits often…”


su watched his daughter leave. the bridgehead is now not only the site of his shoe booth, but also the new start of his daughter's academic career.



“dad's hand-operated scooter was my bassinet”


su wanjuan said that she was brought up in a family filled with paternal love and protection.


su zhongjin said little su wanjuan was very clingy and had to hold his arms to fall asleep.


su zhongjin had to take care of his two children alone, because of his wife's illness. at 6 o’clock every morning, he would get up first to tidy himself up and then to wake up the children.


in the early days when su wanjuan went to kindergarten, she was reluctant to get out of the bed every morning. every time when she was pulled out of bed with her eyes still closed, su zhongjin always, with fond eyes, helped put on the clothes and shoes for his daughter before taking her to school.


since the kindergarten was a kilometer away, su zhongjin had to take su wanjuan to school on a hand-operated scooter, which became her “tailored scooter” to school. to make younger su wanjuan safe and comfortable, he repeatedly reminded his daughter sitting behind the seat to “hold dad's waist tightly”, while keeping his back tightly against her.


it would take about 10 minutes to drive a one-kilometer bumpy road by shaking the wheel disc of the scooter constantly with his hands to produce power. when it was hot, he would be drenched in sweat; when it was cold, he had to rub his hands at times to keep warm. every morning, he would order a bowl of rice noodles with meat for his daughter at a restaurant near the kindergarten. he would not leave until his daughter ate her breakfast after which he would walk her to school.


“dad's scooter was like my bassinet” said su wanjuan. she told the jimu news reporter that during one dragon boat festival, her father took her and her brother on “a long trip” to miancheng, a town for hui nationality, located seven or eight kilometers away from tonghai kou. they then watched the dragon boat races held on a lotus pond there.


“there was a huge crowd of people with many kids propped up on their father’s neck.” even though they could only sit on the low scooter, su wanjuan recalled, with their father by their side, they were still grounded and joyful, laughing their heads off.


in one's life-course, every step is counts


su zhongjin was strict with his daughter from her childhood. “disciplining my daughter is like holding the thread in my hand,” he said, “i can't sew any stitch wrong.”


one day when su wanjuan was in grade two, su zhongjin found his daughter had gone to bed instead of doing her homework on a small stool as usual after coming home from school.


under her father's detailed inquiry, su wanjuan told her father that she was criticized by her teacher because she was late for school. so, she went to bed early so that she could get up early and try to be the first to get to school tomorrow.


after hearing this, he could not help but blame himself for being the reason behind her lateness owing to the “slow speed of his scooter”.


at three o’clock a.m the following day, su zhongjin heard a rustling sound and then a window creak. seeing little wanjuan was standing by the window and peeking out to the sky, he hastened to console his daughter: “go to sleep. i ensure you that i will wake you up on time.”


su zhongjin never fell asleep again. at 5 a.m., he saw his daughter get up and look out of the window. it was still dark outside, but little wanjuan refused to sleep. so su zhongjin got up and sat beside her until the dawn.


though su had a dim recollection of that dark night, he remembers the stars where glittering and shining.


su and his daughter had a heart-to-heart talk while enjoying the night scene. “look here, there are many calluses on my hands, these are the results of being stabbed by the shoe cone. only one hole can be pierced by a cone, but overtime with multiple piercings a shoe is finally made.” su said.


although little wanjuan did not fully understand, she nodded. and after that, she was never late for school.


in 2011, su wanjuan went to xiantao no. 8 middle school for high school. “she is a diligent student.” ye daolong, the headmaster of xiantao no. 8 high school at that time, told the reporter. among the 5,000 to 6,000 students in the school, su wanjuan was highly independent. being excellent in both character and academics, she was rated as one of “the three best students” every year. according to the headmaster, su wanjuan's parents had never been asked to go to her school because of her poor grades or performance. after learning of her family background from her class teacher, the headmaster ye advocated other students to learn from her.


look forward to seeing his daughter wear her ph.d. cap


in late autumn, illuminated by the street lamps, the shadows of buttonwood trees covered the roads in the campus of huazhong university of science and technology.


su wanjuan, who is now studying for her doctorate degree majoring in artificial intelligence (ai), says that each time when she thinks of her father, his staggering figure will come into mind.


“materially, my father is frugal with himself, but generous to us.” her father sent her a smart phone as the gift for being admitted to the university which was then lost on new year’s day. recalling her father had bought this gift with every penny he had earned, she was deeply heartbroken.


she burst into tears while calling her father. however, her father just said gently, “i will buy you another one.” after several months, her father fulfilled his promise and bought her a new cellphone, which accompanied her for four years during the university.


from primary school to high school, her father never attended the parents' meetings held by her school. sometimes, she looked longingly at the classroom door, hoping that her father would come but at the same time hoping he would not. once she became an adult, this subtle unsurety she experienced became a cause for guilty.


“though being disabled, my father is kind-hearted and always ready to help others, which has earned him a good reputation among neighbors.” su wanjuan said that, their memory of their father in her and her younger brother's has always been of how great he is.


now, su zhongjin has already turned his shoes stall into “time-honored brand mr. su leather shoes store”. although small, the walls are covered with leather shoes and the business is booming. the hand-cranked bike he had used has also turned into the small pedicab.


su zhongjin told the jimu news reporter that he has already missed many parents' meetings, but there is still one opportunity that awaits him. that is to attend his daughter's graduation ceremony in wuhan and witness the moment she wears her ph.d. cap.
